Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.

Noosa Therapy and Healing

92 Marnie Cres, Doonan,Qld

ph 5471 1752

Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.
Counselling services at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.

Professional counselling at the tranquil and private Noosa (Doonan) Therapy and Healing Studio, Qld.

Consciously evolving for better body, soul and spiritual wellbeing

1½ hour sessions $100  (concession available)

Life Counselling - Destiny Counselling - Life Encounters - PTSD - Dream Therapy


There are many different forms of counselling. At the Noosa Therapy Studio counselling comes from an extended paradigm of humanness. Here we see humans on a life journey which may be connected to other lives. So counselling processes (or helping conversations) are founded on three aspects of adult learning.

Anthroposphically trained counsellors (adult educators) work with three areas of learning:

  1. Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.Vocational

  2. Noosa therapy studio, doonanKarma/Destiny - learning from life events and encounters

  3. Couples counselling NoosaSpiritual - personal ego (higher self) investigation 

We all undergo challenges in our lives. Challenges may be easily navigated and worked through, but sometimes they can be all consuming and leave us feeling isolated and sometimes lost for choices.

Being unable to see the wood for the trees, or lost for ideas of how to proceed can make us feel isolated or even depressed.

It is not surprising that in these busy days of a complex world that counselling, once the professional domain of clergy or spiritual leaders, is now a profession much in demand in the western world.

Jonathan recognises the complexity of challenges facing people in the 21st century.  As we become more advanced in many aspects of our human development, there is a counter desire to know who we are as an individual.

The individualisation process demands much Soul Searching as we try to balance the material life, the soul life and our individual spiritual development.

Because everyone is so uniquely different, every soul path is unique and very individual and so is our dream life.

Relationship challenges, career and family wrangles, self doubt, depression and isolation, loss or direction etc can sometimes lead to deep places of despair. Sometimes our dreams are unconscious messages which when understood can help us assimilate present challenges in our lives.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

As we grow older, our heart (feeling) forces move closer to our head forces (thinking). Consequently we are much more conscious of our deeds, especially those which impinge on our feeling life. When the heart opens we can be overwhelmed by the grief or pain that may reside there. When the heart-head relationship is further understood, better non-drug support will become available for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), therefore, is a consequence of traumatic experiences and our relatively newly evolved relationship between our heart and our head. Our evolving consciousness thus plays a role in our individualised pain.

To heal PTSD the heart and head both need professional facilitation and integration over a period of time. True healing takes time, human warmth, understanding and often trained dedicated facilitation.

Although medication may be supportive, it can mask what heart and head healing truly needs.

At the Noosa Therapy Studio, Doonan, PTSD is slowly healed through appropriate professional processes, true human warmth and engagement, and compassionate patience.

All appointments (2-3 hours) allow time for these process to take place.

If you know of someone who is suffering from PTSD, you might like to suggest they contact the Noosa Therapy Studio (ph 5471 1752) so they can embark on a pathway to non-medicated healing.

Dream Therapy

Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.
Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.

Jonathan Anstock

Counsellor and
Healing Facilitator

Noosa Therapy Studio, Doonan

Counsellor. Emotional healing. Noosa
Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.

Healing today must be an active process and requires commitment - the will to heal. Seeking support is a wonderful first step.

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Counselling at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan.
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