Noosa Therapy and Healing

92 Marnie Cres, Doonan,Qld

ph 5471 1752

Therapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, Qld
Massage therapy studio, Noosa, Sunshine Coast
Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, therapies
Therapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, Qld
Therapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, QldHealing.htmlTherapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, Qld

Child development support. Focus areas:

  1. BulletLearning difficulties

  2. Noosa healing and therapy studio, DoonanAssessment of developmental milestones

  3. Therapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, QldChallenging behaviour support

  4. Child development therapist Jonathan AnstockLearning delay support

  5. Therapies Noosa Therapy Studio, Sunshine Coast, QldDrawing, Writing and Reading support

  6. BulletNumeracy support

  7. BulletRemedial movement therapy

  8. BulletExpressive (non-verbal) Therapies

  9. * Sandplay

  10. * Drawing

  11. * Music and movement

Initial 1½ hour assessment with written report $120  (concession available)

Follow up sessions $60

Jonathan Anstock

Child Development Therapist

Healing Facilitator, Noosa Therapy Studio

MEd, BA, Teach Cert,

Cert Adult Ed, Adv. Dip. Couns,

Cert Couns Child and Adolesc

Cert Remedial Movement Therapy

Cert Sandplay Therapy

Cert Reiki  2

Adv Cert Pranic.Healing

Anthroposophical NALM Adult Educator

Body, soul and spiritual healing processes available at the tranquil and private Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio, Doonan Qld.

Healing today must be an active process and requires commitment - the will to heal. Please do not expect healing to be a passive process.

The studio is in a beautiful location at Doonan, near Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. It is completely private and quiet - the ideal space for relaxation, comfort and privacy.  Jonathan has been a private therapist since 1995.

You will be warmly supported and welcome at the Noosa Therapy and Healing Studio.

Adult health/healing for body and soul:

  1. BulletReiki

  2. BulletPranic healing

  3. BulletCounselling

  4. BulletDream processing

  5. BulletAdult Education

  6. BulletBiography work

  7. BulletVoice dialogue

  8. BulletSandplay

  9. BulletBreathwork

1½ hour sessions $100  (concession available)

Half day session $120, 2-3 hours  (concession available)

Ph:     (07) 5471 1752        Mob:  0404 103 662